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Biden economy

dog gate

Posted 8:05 pm, 05/23/2024


Your CNN has him at the 2nd lowest ever.


Posted 6:23 pm, 05/23/2024

dog gate

Posted 5:54 pm, 05/23/2024

Voters know the truth. That is why Biden has lost his support with Hispanics and blacks. He has the lowest approval rate in history.

No, No ,No DG, not in Anti's eyes. He is ahead in the polls, Blacks and Hispanics are flocking to him. His approval rating is the highest any president has ever had. There are no illegals coming across the border, gas prices are lowest since 1950, No inflation, interest rates are lowest ever and Biden is the smartest man alive. Well, with one exception and I guess we all know who Anti thinks the smartest person is


Posted 6:17 pm, 05/23/2024

Voters know the truth.

I certainly hope so!! This election is between those that believe facts and those that get their news from Russian propaganda on social media...

He has the lowest approval rate in history.

Hahaha, not even close! That's more Russian propaganda.

Lowest approval ratings per President...

Ford - 37%
Carter - 28%
Reagan - 35%
Bush Sr - 28%
Clinton - 39%
Bush Jr - 25%
Obama - 40%
Trump - 34%
Biden - 37%


dog gate

Posted 5:57 pm, 05/23/2024

He has no integrity just like Stoney Greene. And Biden would probably say he use to fight dogs. He has driven a tractor trailer, was arrested with Mandela, 1st in his class, 3 college degrees and his son died in the war. Never tells the truth just like Stoney.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 5:57 pm, 05/23/2024

Trump is a Democrat agent of chaos

dog gate

Posted 5:54 pm, 05/23/2024

Voters know the truth. That is why Biden has lost his support with Hispanics and blacks. He has the lowest approval rate in history. The guy is a crook and along with his family.


Posted 5:01 pm, 05/23/2024

Biden has opened up our border to millions of people.

False. Biden has stopped millions more border jumpers than Trump did, and has by far been the toughest on illegal immigration!

He has given away billions, if not trillions of dollars to war zones

True... sorta. Our foreign assistance budget hasn't really changed too much over the years with the exception of 2022...

2017 - 48B
2018 - 48B
2019 - 49B
2020 - 52B
2021 - 53B
2022 - 70B
2023 - 59B
2024 - 5.9B

to illegals

Absolutely false, nothing like this has happened.

and to pay off college loans

False. He hasn't spent a nickel on that, he simply forgave government loans of people that "have been making at least 10 years of payments, and have originally taken out $12,000 or less for college... All borrowers on SAVE receive forgiveness after 20 or 25 years, depending on whether they have loans for graduate school."

He gave away free money during Covid to boost the economy and it did the opposite.

Absolutely false. Trump gave five stimulus payments while Biden approved one.

It has caused the highest inflation rate that this country has ever seen.

Partly False. The hyper inflation began in April 2020... under Trump. And mostly due to the pandemic quarantine (a reflection of Trump's failure to act) and the stimulus payments.

It was a global problem, though, and Biden's policies helped us to recover faster than any other first world nation.

No one in history has done more damage to the US than Joe Biden.

You can see that every point you've made is actually a result of Trump's action, not Biden. It's not a matter of opinion, you've just been misled.


Posted 4:04 pm, 05/23/2024

ITs all trumps fault LOL

dog gate

Posted 2:56 pm, 05/23/2024

This is my opinion and we are all allowed to have our opinions. Biden has opened up our border to millions of people. He has given away billions, if not trillions of dollars to war zones, to illegals, and to pay off college loans. He gave away free money during Covid to boost the economy and it did the opposite. It has caused the highest inflation rate that this country has ever seen. No one in history has done more damage to the US than Joe Biden. He is a bigger than Stoney Greene and that is really saying something.


Posted 2:03 pm, 05/23/2024

Now we have a terrible economy because of Biden

You mean because of the Trump Depression...

Note from GoNC: this post was moved from the other thread where it was off topic, and I removed a portion of the post that was not relevant to this thread.

dog gate

Posted 2:00 pm, 05/23/2024

Now we have a terrible economy because of Biden and citizens can hardly pay for their food.

Note from GoNC: this was part of a larger post in another thread, but this section was off topic for that thread so I created this new one for it and the subsequent replies.

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